When we asked Jesus to explain the mechanics of the last being first He answered in yet another parable… It’s like when you’re playing tug…
We’ll know we’ve seen the Enlight… When we don’t know who we are From one moment to the next Because, where once The One thing we wanted
Unsatisfied with turning on the T… to take our minds off things we’ve taken to turning our minds o…
In a few years we’ll all look back on liberal democracy and fake laugh
People are afraid of change so they change with the times
The AI arms race will be won By a people who learn how to bend… To the will of the people This can only be done by a people Who have learned (and remembered)…
The biggest risk of immortality is the lack of risk Chances are you’ll be bored to dea… for all eternity
I’m still the kind of person who is shocked that you can run out of gas and run out of luck at the exact same time
If you want to remain married one partner should stay busy moving the goalposts while the other focuses on running out the clock
People are like whales who have gotten sick of plankton
I believe in the great man theory of history because the good man theory of history is so obviously false
All the real archetypes are from the circus and I thought I was a clown until I found myself shot from a cannon
We got the five day work week because that’s how long it takes a python to digest it’s meal
God doesn’t make mistakes; God makes people People make mistakes And learn from them that God doesn’t make mistakes
The human condition is either thinking that we’re free when we’re actually held captive or thinking that we’re captive when we’re actually free