In an earthly alternative to astro… We each get our own distinct Tree… And mine is a Pacific silver fir Another word for which is Amabilis
Looking for signs of intelligent l… We imagine their supremely advance… Like somnolent caterpillars Dreaming up fabulous cocoons of th…
I always thought saying slide trombone was like saying pizza pie until I heard about the valve trombone
Once the highly educated noticed t… in Buddhism right thought leads to right speech and right ac… it was only a matter of time before Mindfulness became
Liberalism without religion is lik… dining at an all-you-can-eat buffe… There’s plenty of everything but everything is so-so Religion without liberalism is lik…
The opposite of a gun to my head Is a claim on my heart And, claim on my heart I’d say The truth will get you
Abiding means to wait expectantly, defiantly, or submiss… and I typically manage all three in the grocery store checkout line even in the express lane
If dreams are the fulfillment of wishes you aren’t allowed to make then daydreams are the fulfillment of wishes
If we learned anything from the pandemic it’s that people much prefer being left to their own devices over
We had a perfect plan for putting the genie back in the bottle but to get the genie out we had shattered the bottle
Life was once a high-wire act without a net Now it’s tennis without a net
Charles Horton Cooley said “I am not what I think I am and I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am” Before the like button
He was a Murphy’s law and order R… Everyone who can be locked up will be locked up
All of reality is a temptation To believe in yourself But if you do You’ll never get it– Self-confidence is always lacking
For our civilization to function everyone must be willing to meet at the disappointed hour where if you’re not five minutes t… you’re early