The difference between Being asleep at the wheel And being asleep at the wheel Of a self-driving car Is that in the former
Life is a give and take And since he’ll never give any cri… Because he can’t take any criticis… A people pleaser is the walking de…
The kingdom of heaven is like two otherwise mediocre individuals making a great couple
I was one of the ones who craved religion without religion This, apparently was easy to arrange But now that I’m longing for
To get into heaven they tell you that you have to answer one question correctly and that there are
After years of therapy I was able to go from survivor’s guilt to thriver’s guilt
The universe is a kinetic watch so time only keeps going if we’re on the move making Zeno’s paradox of motion just a way of reassuring ourselves
We thought it would last forever but in retrospect we were having a high time at low tide when the clam digging was easy and the eating was good
“A quantum state is not an element… instead, it represents the degrees… about the possible outcomes of mea… Just so: A mental state is not an element o…
It’s not that we are past The point of no return But that we the people Have invested our life savings In scorn for our neighbor
Life’s greatest mystery is how other people could possibly have as little interest in my Spotify playlists
Natural disaster was always an act of God With climate change we’ve made it our own
What do you call it when people are so bored that they start playing with fire and soon enough find themselves fighting fire with fire
Where my father’s faith led him to wear a clerical collar I struggle with faith much as I do with ring around the…
I used to pretend that Kafka’s The Trial was my favorite book but these days I bring a courtroom stenographer with me