I never believed in automatic writ… until I tried my hand at TikTok and felt an invisible hand gently (as in pleasantly) but insistently (as in relievedly)
A la recherche du temps perdu has been variously translated as A Remembrance of Things Past and In Search of Lost Time
I used to fear That it would take all my strength Just to go on Now I just know That all my strength is for going…
A dissident today is anyone who realizes that since you’re damned if you do damned if you don’t
My wife sleeps on her back while I sleep in the mis– take prone position
Wittgenstein let the fly out of the bottle but western philosophy was soon back on the bottle
Optimists dance the two-step: It’s going to get worse before it gets better Pessimists plod
When I stand before this world I’m afraid to say What I have to ask you About my desire: “Is that too much to ask?”
A people pleaser pretends to live in Youtopia but really resides in Myopia because all he can see is what he needs from you
Not much has changed but now I’m a glass is ten per– cent full kind of guy
When your nuclear family of origin Takes the nuclear option They’ve already gone mad and self-… So, they’re counting on mutual ass… To finish the job
Nietzsche, who famously never marr… described marriage as a long conve… Had he wed he would have realized it’s actual… a series of brief interrogations
Before you know it The next big thing Is already The next best thing I suppose there’s worse things tha…
What do all apples have in common? It only takes one rotten apple to… Because all apples are unique But a mob of apples are uniquely b…
In this earthly abode ‘Twas sadness that flowed With each new download Of binary code To ease our workload