All cars have always been getaway cars because they tell the world how much you’re getting away with but now all cars are SUVs
Home is where you go and you have to take their shit-eating grin
I always thought saying slide trombone was like saying pizza pie until I heard about the valve trombone
Lao Tse said of the Tao that “You can use it any way you want” Jacques Lacan further insisted th… you should only use it the way you… when he said
Life is either A whole lotta nothing Or a whole lotta love Nothing could be easier than love Then again
The question isn’t Are you doing this the right way? Because there’s no right or wrong… To do the right thing The question is
Soft totalitarianism is like shoes That are just tight enough To remain comfortable If you don’t go anywhere
People complain that religion tell… missing the point that it enables… other people telling you what to d…
Your soul is mission control And Houston We have a problem Literally Problem is
I thought I’d crafted a mystique when all I’d rea– lly made were mistakes
Until now technology could be understood as an extension of the body’s will to power With AI
No shoes, no shirt, no service Just say no Do not pass go, do not collect $20… Don’t call us, we’ll call you No pain, no gain
I finally realized that when Smokey Bear says Only you can prevent forest fires Only I really believe him
In real life we used to say I’ll see your talk and raise you action but that was just too risky Preferring no stakes
Whereas Mayor McCheese loved reading about himself in the newsp… ex-Mayor McCheese was served with divorce papers