What do you call a wolf in sheep’s clothing who believes you are what you wear? The ruling class
The modernist thesis– You’ll know it when you see it The post—modernist antithesis— I can’t believe my own eyes Our current and nameless synthesis…
Death and danger are our lot Look at what my kid can do is what’s been wrought
More and more it feels as if we are teetering between 1984 and… but 84-33=51 bringing us to 1951 the actual lone year in question
My wife is philosophically opposed to my habit of justifying things, say a bag of the really good kind… with the phrase: I deserve it
Augmented reality works through addition by subtraction where we’ve lost contact with real… but gained a sun
There used to be two types of peop… Those who wanted to Go ahead and get it over with And those who wanted to postpone t… This enabled some degree of self-s…
The Kantian ethic of treating oth… never really took off largely because Immanuel overlooke… rather obvious catchy slogan: Love squanders all
Like many people I have dreams in which I’m flying but in mine I’m always flying
Every writer has mistaken his shotgun for a rifle– He may hit where he aims but he will also surely miss In discharging his will to power
According to F. Scott Fitzgerald… “The test of a first-rate intellig… is the ability to hold two opposin… in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to fu…
When my dog gives me that knowing… I don’t know what she knows I only know that she knows Who I’m fooling And it isn’t her
We are gathered around our phones Like little campfires And all we ever hear Are scary stories
If you lower the status of all mal… The high-status males will be aver… And the rest will be bottom feeder… Eating away at the foundation
Thinking the best of myself My best thinking Got me here, Before God