A subtle movement, a facial expression, a particular posture, the constant hint of danger; as if he were here again,
How does a landed mariner ever tell a living soul about the exquisite rapture of the sultry siren’s song ? As it echoed through the mist,
I read such woeful words penned by a fallen brother; his message cut me deeply. He prayed to all that’s holy that he might cry again.
I met a man who told me that he’s looking for the way he might become more free, less encumbered in his life. Poor me, poor me, poor me;
1998.... while touring india.... exploring the town of rishikesh a popular hindu pilgrimage site along the banks of the holy mother…
I hold truth as the highest princi… I am a liar. I value honesty over all else. I am a thief. I expect integrity from you.
You play your cards so well. Looks like you’ve had a lot of pra… You seem to have a thorough grasp of all the rules of the game. As you cover every angle,
Clawing away. It’s dark here, chill and dank. Can’t stop now. Can’t stop ever.
There’s a fearsome beast within, huddled tense and waiting, in the furthest corner of this brittle heart. It lies alert to any signal
Sweet Mary Jane bade me follow where she led. I went eagerly. She was my life’s one true love. All the others,
Why are you here ? Where did you come from ? Why have i been cursed with one so radiant and true ? There’s no time for your curious m…
Cast adrift in an unknown sea. By my pride. Alone Missing you,
Within this pilgrim’s soul exists a hungry beggar waif, who can never afford a moment of indifference or distraction. Alert to every aching nuance
Come out, come out, wherever you are. I know you’re in here. You dirty little secret.
Sweet sultry muse, I declare this solemn oath before all that’s true and holy, that this earthly life and love are yours and yours alone,