To my father
Sweet Mary Jane bade me follow where she led. I went eagerly. She was my life’s one true love. All the others,
The storm is brewing. I smell it in the air. I am panicking. I fear this tempest might cost my life.
I see no reason now to disguise this naked heart and soul of mine. You can hide there
It’s only you that I can trust to hear these words as true. Those I know seem blinded by some notion or another about me. You are my closest confidant
It seems for ages, I have been trapped behind yet another version of what I want to think I know. I was so sure I loved you
I commit myself to God; sometimes, not often. I believe in God; sometimes,
Time wears away at me, like water on a stone, oh, so slowly, but inevitably, drop by drop,
I’ve been so afraid to speak these heartfelt words. This secret has been kept so well, from myself, by myself,
Who am i to bare my soul with thee… and challenge all that you believe… I share from deep within my being as if my father speaks through me. I see these words of love and merc…
Cast adrift in an unknown sea. By my pride. Alone Missing you,
I humbly bow before your tender me… for no other reason than I’m sorry… As I listen to my old pal, Leonar… crooning out his holy tunes, there’s a message sounding clear
Clawing away. It’s dark here, chill and dank. Can’t stop now. Can’t stop ever.
Not so long ago I was convinced you were the culprit, the masked robber of my sacred trust.
Hello, can you see me here? Please, might you stop awhile. I am the one you pass by daily as you hurry homeward bound. I am that one who’s least of us.
I was surrounded by many desperate, troubled people. There was much drinking, drugging, and violence. Women were being bought and sold,