Who’s gonna throw my pitiful ashes into the holy mother Ganges? Who’s gonna hold it as their sacre… Who’s gonna know the need for this… I’ve seen so many nameless shadows
Sweet sultry muse, I declare this solemn oath before all that’s true and holy, that this earthly life and love are yours and yours alone,
There are no pictures on these wal… no mountain lakes nor sailing ship… Not long ago there were no walls Life was lived outside your window… I’d tried to live within four wall…
Within this pilgrim’s soul exists a hungry beggar waif, who can never afford a moment of indifference or distraction. Alert to every aching nuance
Been wasting away in this hovel for too many days to count; wishing, hoping, scheming, sometimes even praying, for any way to get out.
Some time ago, I made my way down to the crossroads, to try my lucky hand at the devil’s gaming tables.
These words are crude utensils, with which to touch you, and be touched;
What you seek with such fervent zeal, as you scour those sacred texts and scriptures, is far greater than
Alone, in the same old crowd, trying to ignore this stifling pain. I am but
Look out there, see them, boy ? They want yer juice. They’re dry, them circlin’ desert… All they want's yer juice, boy.
These words, gently laid upon this page, amount to my sincere prayer they reach within you, and touch your secret self,
I’m not angry with you. I am hurting, and as usual, I don’t know why. I don’t know why I cry
It’s only you that I can trust to hear these words as true. Those I know seem blinded by some notion or another about me. You are my closest confidant
I came to bless you with the mystery, and shine my light on you. I did not know you could not risk the light,
Who am i to bare my soul with thee… and challenge all that you believe… I share from deep within my being as if my father speaks through me. I see these words of love and merc…