The special today is over easy twi… With a serving of bunk on the side If you like you can watch the chef… Cause we ain’t got nothin to hide If you need help deciding
I once met a man Who walked on his hands He’d sit on his head When too tired to stand He’d extend his leg
If red means anger And blue is sad White is pureness And yellow is glad What does orange mean
Yes I am a vampire But that does not mean I suck blo… I’m rather friendly give me a try There is no reason to run Now I beg you don’t fret
Large heels Small meals The life of an actress Long scripts Thin hips
I asked jane if I could kiss her But she said she suffered from a t… I asked Brooke out lots But her stomachs always in knots And with Claire I’ve always tried
There once slept a man who could n… Naps for hours and weeks he’d take He slept by choice not by need The most extravagant dreams he had… He dreamt of dreaming and dozed of…
Could a time machine exist if it was built to fix the wrong because if we have a perfect past we wouldnt need one
Watch were you’re going Don’t stare at your feet For every smile that you pass Is one you’ll never meet
If you walk past me Oh, the things you would not know There’s plenty of stories and tale… If you stop to say hello
Carry a stamp if you need Carry markers, make sure they blee… Carry a pencil, a pen, a knife Carry these with you all of your l… Carry a chisel, carve in bark
There once was a man who’s home wa… His size so small he’d fit in your… Along one day came a great gust of… And lifted the poor man, and his h… Into the air and over the land,
they sed you need edukashen two go sumwear in life but thats a joke just look at me ive made it here alrite
The itsy bisty spider Came out the water spout Chased away my dog And drove my neighbors out I’ve stayed in this tree
It human nature to hate the silenc… Since it’s only quite when your al… So surround yourself with many fri… And let sound fill your home