The rains kept a comin It seemed they wouldn’t stop The clouds just kept on pouring Till they squeezed out every drop The lightning pierced the ground
He moved so very quietly Peeking through the blades of gras… Of the tribe of lion hunters He was the very last He leapt from the bushes
A poem of heart break anger and st… Is a poem created from the dark th… Don’t write of things that only ma… In order to feel better you must w… I do not wish to read of misery an…
It’s time I must go I’ll make this one quick Just flip the page If this one doesn’t stick
Could a time machine exist if it was built to fix the wrong because if we have a perfect past we wouldnt need one
Tomorrow I shall seize the day Tomorrow I’ll go on that run Tomorrow I’ll wake up right on ti… And get the yard work done Tomorrow I’ll finish that book
Jessey caught the measels Joey caught the mumps Jane came down with the flu And jacks been in a slump The teacher has gone missing
There once was a man who’s home wa… His size so small he’d fit in your… Along one day came a great gust of… And lifted the poor man, and his h… Into the air and over the land,
If you mixed a alligator An otter and elephant You would think it bring absolute… To all the places that it went But I was wrong, so listen carefu…
There once was a man Who was known and feared For the frightnening features Of his beard His hair was long
I’ve decided to write a poem Where everything rhymed with time It would become a famous poem And the jealous would cringe As I called it mine
Watch were you’re going Don’t stare at your feet For every smile that you pass Is one you’ll never meet
Jane and I thought to build a ufo Thered be no limit to where we wou… We’d go beyond where boats would r… We’d escape the chilling winter sn… It would be full of lights to put…
There sat a house Above the ocean They say when in it To not cause commotion If it were to teeter
Hey diddle diddle you’ve reached t… And it appears you’ve not run away So try your best To finish the rest Even if it takes all the next day