In a corner alone Sat the chair with the teeth Locked away far From anyones reach If you sat down
Someone left out this nice metal b… It warm inside and not even locked I crawled in the box and decided t… But awoke to find I was covered i…
It’s time I must go I’ll make this one quick Just flip the page If this one doesn’t stick
Yes I am a vampire But that does not mean I suck blo… I’m rather friendly give me a try There is no reason to run Now I beg you don’t fret
My shadow and I Once played hide and go seek I closed both eyes Not once did i peek I counted to the highest number
My friends all bragged Of the things they did James fought a lion But had let it live A snake bit Will
There’s a secret to life Though no one can keep it It’s shaped many of men All those who have seen it It’s been written by scholars
My friend dared me once To get a hair cut He agreed in return To get punched in the gut I grabbed my scissors
Hello is this Houston It’s the man on the moon Yah life up heres great And theirs plenty of room I’ve found no life
There sat a house Above the ocean They say when in it To not cause commotion If it were to teeter
If I could invent one thing It would be a bubble blower I’d make myself a bubble friend And really get to know her I’d make myself some bubble boxers
The things I must do Oh the things I must do I must polish the dishes And wash my shoes The things I must do
Have you ever wondered How the clouds move along If you believe its the wind I’ll tell you that your wrong I sit behind these clouds
My parents trained the dog To let me know When dinner was ready So in I’d go I once came home late
Little sneezing Cynthia Never covered her mouth She would sneeze oh so loud It could be heard clear down south Her sneezing startled the neighbor…