Never go to the circus You wont return the same My image is ruined and a tent is to blame I entered fit
I saw the troll That lived under the bridge But he wasn’t scary not one smidge His hair was greasy And teeth all jagged
Today I wore my bikini out To every single store I got so much attention You couldn’t ask for more But I was a little upset
Mean Jean The pie eating queen For miles wide She could be seen She’d eat the crusts
Hey diddle diddle you’ve reached t… And it appears you’ve not run away So try your best To finish the rest Even if it takes all the next day
Jane and I thought to build a ufo Thered be no limit to where we wou… We’d go beyond where boats would r… We’d escape the chilling winter sn… It would be full of lights to put…
I made a 42 decker sandwich With every ingredient inside But upon seeing a tear was brought… And for days and days it sat as I… For I simply cannot open my mouth…
The things I must do Oh the things I must do I must polish the dishes And wash my shoes The things I must do
You could get hit by lightning Or run over by a rock Theres so many ways one could go Its rather quite a shock You could get sucked into a vortex
Hey so umm yeah uh well you Umm see uh I was uh starting to w… Um well uh if you well maybe possi… Had a phone number…
Every one shall fear me For I’m the almighty bush If I see you waiting for the road… You might just get a push If you get to close to me
There sat a house Above the ocean They say when in it To not cause commotion If it were to teeter
His pencil would not write No matter how much he would scold… “It’s not about the pencil boy” “It’s about the one who holds it”
Maybe just one more piece What could possibly go wrong It won’t really make a difference Oh dear it’s all gone...
There once was a man who’s home wa… His size so small he’d fit in your… Along one day came a great gust of… And lifted the poor man, and his h… Into the air and over the land,