A Closer Grand Canyon, by David Hockney
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Francesco D'Addino Francesco D'Addino

L'autore nasce a Monaco di Baviera ( Germania) il 3 luglio del 1987, da genitori calabresi e , dopo un'infanzia trascorsa fra l'Italia e la Baviera , nel 1994 la sua esistenza si stabilizza definitivamente in Calabria, dove compirà gli studi della propria formazione. All'età di 8/9 anni inizia a mostrare una particolare predilezione per l'arte figurativa ( il fumetto ) e successivamente nei primi anni dell'adolescenza , tale interesse si sposta su un altro canale espressivo, ovvero la scrittura e nella fattispecie la poesia, tant'è che nel 2019 pubblica una raccolta di poesie dal titolo " Pane al pane, vino al vino"©con una piccola casa editrice locale, contenente componimenti scritti fra il 2003 ed il 2018. Nel periodo pre- pandemia mette in ordine altri componimenti, racchiudendoli in una raccolta dal titolo "Crisalidi, amnesie di un giorno all'imbrunire"©; scritti che appariranno anche in ordine sparso su diverse antologie e su diverse riviste dedicate alla poesia. Negli anni, partecipa a numerosi concorsi di poesia , tant'è che in uno di questi, precisamente nel 2015 ( al Poetry slam Murazzi) è fra i dieci finalisti a livello regionale ( Calabria). Consegue presso l'Unical , nel 2013 la Laurea in Scienze dell'Educazione. Attualmente vive ancora nella casa in campagna, del paesino calabro della provincia di Cosenza e, a tutt'oggi l'autore trova la linfa necessaria per vivere nella potenza evocativa dell'arte e della poesia ; a suo modo di vedere "Madre rigenerante"dalle capacità curative.

Weetangera, Canberra, by Elioth Gruner
Alexis Karpouzos Alexis Karpouzos

Alexis karpouzos was born in Athens on April 9, 1967, after attending philosophy and social studies courses at the Athens School of Philosophy and political science courses at the Athens Law School, he continued his studies in psychoanalysis and the psychology of learning. In 1998 founded the international center of learning, research and culture, a wisdom forum for studying issues of science and society in an integral way. He has been a visioner in the development of post-history sense of cosmic unity and the integral consciousness. The poetic thought of Alexis karpouzos is a expressions of soul's inner experiences, expression of universality. The inspiring visual images and the symbolic use of language offer a description of elevating experiences of consciousness, a glimpse of higher worlds. His philosophy speak to the human experience from a universal perspective, transcending all religions, cultural and national boundaries. Using vivid images and a direct language that speaks to the heart, his philosophy evokes a sense of deep communication with the collective unconscious, a sense of connection to all the creatures of the world, compassion for others, admiration for the beauty of nature, reverence for all life, and an abiding faith in the invisible touch of world. Alexis karpouzos thoughts are often terse and paradoxical, challenging us to to break out of the box of limiting beliefs and see things from a new perspective. Above all, Alexis karpouzos continually calls to us to wake up and explore the mysteries within our own selves, i.e. the mysteries of universe.

Antonella Pederiva Antonella Pederiva

BIOGRAFIA DI ANTONELLA PEDERIVA - Poeta e Scrittrice Antonella Pederiva è una collaboratrice giornalistica, web citizen journalist, scrittrice e poeta, appassionata di musica, arte, psicologia e filosofia. Nel 2017 dà alle stampe il suo libro d'esordio, “Anima d’aquila” (Alpinia Itinera), 90 poesie scelte a coprire l’arco di una vita. Nel 2019, per Aletti Editore, pubblica “Fiore di Loto” che viene così introdotto da Alessandro Quasimodo, figlio del premio Nobel Salvatore Quasimodo: “ […] una metafora dell’uomo puro in mezzo al fango che non si adatta a degli stereotipi, che non accetta passivamente i dogmi degli altri, ma che si sforza di conoscere, di vivere nel dilemma, in una perenne discussione costruttiva[…]”. Numerosi i concorsi a cui ha partecipato, ottenendo sempre ottimi risultati di classifica e consensi dalla critica, terzo posto al Premio Postumia 1997, diploma d’onore con menzione d’encomio per “Anima d’aquila” al Premio Internazionale Michelangelo Buonarroti di Seravezza (Lucca) 2017, (premio in cui verrà segnalata nel 2018, diploma d’onore con menzione d’encomio anche nel 2019), segnalata al Premio “Il Bottaccio” 2017, finalista, segnalata e premiata con menzione di merito in decine di altri concorsi, tra i quali il Premio Il Tiburtino, il Premio Internazionale Salvatore Quasimodo, Il Premio Internazionale Maria Cumani Quasimodo, Il Premio Internazionale Dostoevskij, Premio La panchina dei versi, Premio Parole in Fuga, Premio Dedicato Giornata Mondiale della Poesia, Premio Habere Artem, Premio Tre colori, Premio Letterario Nativo del Pizzo, Premio Verrà il mattino e avrà un tuo verso, Premio Tra un fiore colto e l’altro donato. Attestato di Merito con medaglia diamantata al Premio Alda Merini 2020, Segnalazione della giuria al Premio SetArt 2023, Premio della Critica al Premio Emozioni in versi 2023. Moltissime anche le antologie in cui è presente con i suoi versi, tra queste, oltre alle antologie dei suddetti premi, anche le antologie del Premio Città di Monza 2017 e 2018, del Premio Città di Montegrotto Terme 2018 e del Premio I poeti dell’Adda 2018. Presto darà alle stampe il suo terzo libro, "La metamorfosi del cuore".

Cece Oh! Cece Oh!

I was born in Oriental Mindoro, a province in the Philippines. We didn't have many neighbors, I only had few close friends despite my being quite approachable. I used to like the idea of being famous by performing onstage, having the typical talents that my classmates had -- like singing and dancing -- but I wasn't good at both. And so, I grew up into a very introverted person. I rarely speak; although when I do, some of my friends think that my words are always full of sense and humor. But their words didn't help much in my personality development, so, I decided to search for other talents that I could possibly have. That's when I decided to write things (weird or extraordinary, sometimes stupid) random things just popping up inside my head. Some people liked my writings-- my teachers, classmates, friends and my high school crush :). I started reading other people's writings, too, so I could learn more, impress those people some more (possibly gain confidence from their praises). Then I learned how to write poems and how amazing it is to be able to write one's thoughts in verses. I wrote some, and they had been published in our school paper back in high school. But, I didn't take creative writing or anything alike as my course for college. I had to follow what my dad wanted me to take-- Accountancy (it's quite easy to find a job here in the Philippines if you are an accounting graduate, and I badly need a good job to help my poor family). I'm doing fine, but not as fine as I would have been if I had taken creative writing. So, I tried to find a place where I could post my poems and possibly have some people to read them, then, I found this site and I hope it'll be a good refuge for me when I need to let out words that I can't let out with accounting. :) ETA: I have not been in this site for seven years. Yes, seven long years. I actually forgot I had this account (my cousin accidentally found it after searching my name on Ecosia). Lol. The cringe I feel about the things I said here... Beyond explanation. I won't delete them though. It's kinda nostalgic. Just in case anyone may find it interesting, in the last seven years, I have become a CPA, a financial analyst, an even worse introvert, BUT I have not lost my love for poetry. I haven't written much in years, but I think I'd like to give it a try once more.

, by Luka Verč
Gary Oliver Gary Oliver

Gary Oliver is a writer, poet, and performer born in North Staffordshire in 1966. He spent much of his early years as a club MC and hip-hop rapper before pursuing higher education. Oliver holds a BA in Theatre and Performance from Staffordshire University and an MA in Applied Arts from the University of Manchester. Oliver began writing poetry and short stories to pay for the magazine adverts of his coffee shop. His first book, Woodun Indians, sold out in six months, and he recently celebrated the launch of his book Dear Love Powa by serenading lovers on Valentine's Day. Oliver is widely regarded as one of the foremost and influential writer performance poets of his generation. His new book, SONNETS OF SOLACE, is a profound collection of work inspired by Shakespeare published by Quhwah publications on worldwide release. In 1991/2, Oliver toured with Happy Mondays, and in 1994/5, he wrote The Rave Poems: BOMB MAGAZINE, a series of comic rhymes inspired by modern youth culture. In 1994, he became a promoter and DJ/MC at Sin City, a poetry and art club night. In 1994/5, he co-founded the Deep Theatre Group, and from 1996 to 1999, he co-founded, organized, and compared Sunday in the Park, an annual charity event. In 1999, Oliver became a Quhwah Publications Author, and his works include Captured Letters: a collection of love Poems, Young Black Teenager: an epic verse lament tribute to Stephen Lawrence, Verbal Dexterity: In The Face Of Incredulity, Woodun Indians: a book of global stories, urban rhymes, and eco poetry, and DEAR LOVE POWA, a book of sonnets, love songs, and verse. In 2000, Oliver founded and became the Director of Verbal Arts, an arts company based in North Staffordshire and serving the North West and Midlands. In 2002/3, he founded Trade, a live rap/poetry night, and in 2004, he started DJ SCHOOL, the first music and arts group for young people in the UK. In 2005, he published MC RAVE, a fictional book exploring the rave scene, and in 2007-2021, he opened the U7 Arts and Cultural Centre, an independent arts centre for young vulnerable artists. In 2008, Oliver led the youth festival for Liverpool 08 city of culture, and in 2009, he led a project exploring War poets and contributed to a book called Remembrance Poets with a group of new writers, published by Quhwah. In 2010, he ran youth projects in Longsight Manchester to decrease anti-social behaviour and to increase participation in the arts and education. In 2011, he ran a series of small arts activity days across Staffordshire exploring the environment and mental health wellbeing in poor communities. Since 2012, he has been running a weekly multi-arts program drop-ins for people suffering from mental health problems. In 2015, he started u7 sound, an accessible sound and recording for poor artists. From 2017 to 2019, he expanded and developed the provision of arts at DJ School, and in 2020-21, he published SONNETS OF SOLACE, which is now available worldwide. #poetry #desire #inspire #love #climate #new
