I’m a good girl in the worst ways Most days. Some days, I’m a bad girl in all the best way… I’m pretty good,
If only My tears were colors. There would be pink on my pillow And green on my shoes. There would be red on the paper
You ruined me. How could you? You’re my mother. You were supposed to be strong. Not me.
I’ve been waiting For years And days And all the seconds For a warm body.
You’re horrible, And I hate you. But this is me. I’m the only person That I can’t escape.
A seagull carried me away one day And took me to a secret island hid… I laughed at the waves and splashe… I even wrote notes to go with a so… The seagull was leaving and waved…
Oh, such a sweet fool. I once thought love Was reigning savior. So, so foolish. I once believed love
Woah. The bright sky Makes me want to live, And the grass Smells too good to miss.
I wish I wish I wish I could swim in oblivion. Have a tummy full of pills.
The wind Loves To boast of Fickle love, But my
He touched my knee (now I’m in lo… No time for breath ('cause I’m in… He likes my hair (now I’m so lost… No time for speed ('cause I’m in… He gave me truth (now I’m so free…
The blur of lighted cars Flying in a flurry down The highway at night Soothes me in the Most unorthodox way.
I cannot bring myself to cry. I can’t decide if this is a curse Or a blessing.
I’m falling apart beneath my smile… I grapple blindly for a rope To save myself from rising waters. I come up, lungs full of despair, And my parents cover my mouth
With him, It’s like there were no scars. There are no sheepish looks No burning shame. There was no John