How can somebody Who loves to explore Be so afraid to leave?
What if your face was a poem alone… I bet People would read it and cry, And some would feel inflated afte… Because they witnessed something
Wait 'til Michigan comes. I think I’ll wait 'til then. Think I’ll wait 'til I hear my co… Hear them loving me in Michigan. Think I’ll wait 'til I swim.
Listening to you sleep, I’m in grace. Each breath a prayer. Every rustle a litany. You don’t know how loud you are
Splattered you All over my body And flecks of skin Inside every crevice. I can’t get rid of you
You met me in the winter When I was a petal, Something you desperately wanted t… You loved me in the summer, Underneath the palm oil trees
Touch me for real. Touch me in your mind And all over my body With your chapped hands. Let your eyes undress me.
Last year seems years away. Last night seems lifetimes away. This moment seems like a dream.
In my daydreams, I used to be an acrobat, Flying through air Into capable hands. In my dreams,
You know, I miss you both Like I miss my childhood blanket That I wonder idly about.
I sing of a new carol Which starts silly giggles As a speeding blue carriage Runs merrily through the dark.
Can you hear it? It is the cry of the poor. Their howling curls inside of my h… It pains me as if I were one of t… But, I am.
When you taste your own sweet tear… Know I’ll be there. When the night becomes a friend, Know
I feel under-appreciated. Isn’t that vain to say? That might just be my Napoleon co…
I cannot bring myself to cry. I can’t decide if this is a curse Or a blessing.