If flowers could cry, Would the water out-spilled Also drown them Like a sloshing grave of Wet mud?
It’s over. It’s okay. The parting is such sorrow And relief. It hurts like a crushing force,
What you meant– What I meant When I said, “I love you.” What you meant to me Wasn’t what you said
God, thank you For darkness, And fear, And death. Thank you
What does it feel like on the day… Does it hurt? Today, I have just realized that, And it burns. It has burned the piece of my hear…
Never give up on love, Though I’ve died a thousand times Just waiting. And I’ve hoped in the rain. So many times
I find no release. I die. I die, Yet I’m not free. Not 'til I die.
Courage was not letting your broth… But preferring to die From their snide remarks Which shadow prejudice’s unkind da… What happened when they grew up?
I lost my innocence On a king-sized sheet With four posters And the two of us. Just the two of us
She has the piece that holds it al… What was revealed to her came slow… When it all comes together, it’s l… When it all falls apart, it’s dead… One little lie can tear a family a…
The tissues know something. Even the mirror knows. My music knows it And especially my pillow. My books can see it
It’s so quiet. I feel soft. The winter hurts, So I burrow inside, But I forget how to
You were the devil. I knew it before you did; And I was St. Mary With clouds trailing behind me. I gave you my virtue
In my daydreams, I used to be an acrobat, Flying through air Into capable hands. In my dreams,
Love is the sickness. Love is the cure.