If flowers could cry, Would the water out-spilled Also drown them Like a sloshing grave of Wet mud?
You don’t ask me to speak. You never expect my opinion. I was your second child In a runaway marriage. I suppose I loved you once,
You are the best thing Because things like that do not co… You are my moon and sun Because you make my days real. You are my best friend,
When you taste your own sweet tear… Know I’ll be there. When the night becomes a friend, Know
It’s so quiet. I feel soft. The winter hurts, So I burrow inside, But I forget how to
I lost my innocence On a king-sized sheet With four posters And the two of us. Just the two of us
In my daydreams, I used to be an acrobat, Flying through air Into capable hands. In my dreams,
Don’t cry Don’t cry Don’t cry Because it’s your birthday.
He helps her with her blush. She’s surging red, Velvet and soft like a rose. Her mouth’s gone dry With his wind.
I love John. I love when he cries. When he looks at me, I fly.
You know, I miss you both Like I miss my childhood blanket That I wonder idly about.
In my house, You don’t ask questions. The whispers from mom and dad Signal you to a hiding place. In my house,
Courage was not letting your broth… But preferring to die From their snide remarks Which shadow prejudice’s unkind da… What happened when they grew up?
The wind Loves To boast of Fickle love, But my
If you’re happy, then I’m happy. I’ll be ok if you’re ok. I can’t die without you living. I won’t move on without you search… At night, do you think about me?