I woke at 3 a.m., And I was scared. I thought I’d never be tired agai… But then I remembered the morning And all the joy it brings.
I often cajole myself Into crying, But I refrain. I know I’ll never stop.
I’m falling apart beneath my smile… I grapple blindly for a rope To save myself from rising waters. I come up, lungs full of despair, And my parents cover my mouth
Mom, I miss you, And I’m miserable. I miss grandma, And I’m so lonely. I miss being a kid.
I cried out to God, And There was silence.
I’ve been waiting For years And days And all the seconds For a warm body.
Someone’s teaching me to give up. It’s like unrequited love, But we’ll break up in the end. I’m showing myself to give up When I see how I fall asleep in c…
The wind Loves To boast of Fickle love, But my
A tree fell in the park last night… I didn’t hear it go. The innards smelled of peppermint, And I felt the crumbling dirt Turn into ash in my hand.
I feel so lonely. I want to die. Feeling like the only one on earth… My laughter is a lie. Laugh on, laugh on.
In my daydreams, I used to be an acrobat, Flying through air Into capable hands. In my dreams,
You are the best thing Because things like that do not co… You are my moon and sun Because you make my days real. You are my best friend,
What does it feel like on the day… Does it hurt? Today, I have just realized that, And it burns. It has burned the piece of my hear…
Moon up, Pants down. I said no. His body said yes.
I can’t cease to think about him. His bitter way only warms my heart… He frightens me and excites me. He always heightens my senses. He makes my heart hurt.