Smile your baby smile and please l… I know I love you, but haven’t yo… Twinkle and shine and don’t ever c… You warm me like a fox in a fox’s… Light of my life and you gave me t…
If flowers could cry, Would the water out-spilled Also drown them Like a sloshing grave of Wet mud?
Farewell to friends, The kind that push. The word constantly bends. I live a life of isolation. While others play in their bubble…
I was born of the Virgin Mary, Given life to rid earth of evil. Blood on my hands, Dirt on my hands, I’m akin with Christ Himself.
He helps her with her blush. She’s surging red, Velvet and soft like a rose. Her mouth’s gone dry With his wind.
Sam said, “Get over it.” As if I could Just climb a tree. Sam said,
The devil’s in my midst.
Without you, I feel the pain. The rain seems cold now. Thunder is only evil, And the sky is bare and pale.
Your love Was like driving straight into the… Your attention was like Lying in a puddle of gold. You were sex and fun and cotton ca…
It’s like waking up from your best… To find that it’s all gone. When you love someone who isn’t re… And you say, “I’m done.” It’s like swimming in Heaven,
I came back from a mortal hell, But on my way home, I saw no white god, And I saw no golden spirit, And I saw no true son.
What does it feel like on the day… Does it hurt? Today, I have just realized that, And it burns. It has burned the piece of my hear…
Shambles: They hold my life together. I’m shredded into slices, Trying to hold it whole, And I wonder if anyone
I love John. I love when he cries. When he looks at me, I fly.
This feeling Makes me want to bless my friends… And find redemption in death. I want to stand in the rain 'Til my bones shake apart