My hands grow weaker This hold I will prolong My legs shake and quiver But still I’ll stand strong My mind is chaos
This hope A cold burning A flame made of shadow Fueled by need and fueled by desir… Goes out
You Your Your voice Echoes ghostly In the halls of my memories
Adrift in the abyss Dappled with distant lights Imagination connects the dots To make sense of this predicament I was anchored on the satellite
Help me to understand it Help open up my eyes I’m trying to move past it But I can’t seem to see why When we’re together
My vision clouds with these tears Tears made from our memories Maybe one day the they will stop Or I won’t feel them anymore
I want to walk away I want this hope to stay I’m twisted and torn My promise, I’m sworn To see you again someday
Rest your head on my shoulder When you’re feeling tired Let me sing of your praises When you need to be inspired Bend my ear to your lips
This noose of hope Around my neck A memory rope Myself I wreck I cannot leave
As I step forward I look back for one last time I wish you all the best
Long-lost souls unite, Tears of joy in heartfelt hugs, Reunion’s embrace.
Were your reasons true? Were they for me or for you? Was there really nothing we could… I wonder. Why was it easier to hide?
My self deprecation Are humbling jokes As to starve my ego Not a reflection of self hatred My sense of self
In the depths of heartbreak’s icy… Where tears flow freely, leaving t… A soul finds solace in longing’s b… Aching for a love it hopes to rega… The echoes of laughter, once share…
It’s not the familiarity It’s not the loneliness It’s not the memories It’s not the safety It’s not the comfortability