Which came first The morals Or the justification Hint: The #1 excuse
All plants and animals die But only human life is A near-death experience Immortality, then Wil be the death of man
My astrologer credited her work wi… for the discovery of a thirteenth… Jello the Jellyfish which shares the sting of my erstw… but is distinguished by a spineles…
I was born in the summer of my 47th year coming home to a place my mazel’d ever been before
As the new Assistant to the Deput… your primary initial responsibilit… 1) Establishing détente between wo… and paleo dietary restriction fact… while maintaining the dining hall’…
Climate change is just the latest chapter in our ever-ending story
Your life, like everyone else’s will eventually accept death’s pro… and maybe it’s because from the moment you were born death has been saying yes to life
The Imaginary: I disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it The Symbolic:
We guard the thin line between love and hate by loving more But we cross the thin line between self-love and self-hate
Because the ego mustn’t know its real mission lest it go back on accepting it, this message will self-destruct five seconds before life begins:
History won’t begin when we elimin… hoping that now everyone will get… Because step 1 in ending status i… and step 2 turns out to be elimina… This simulacrum that we live in ai…
It’s true that some people have al… But it’s not dumb luck that nobody… The way it works is that People get as much truth as they c… And the rest of their load is good…
Money is our failed attempt To materialize trust Making true wealth An unshakable trust
We all know that one word or phras… Can mean two different things But we forget that one thing Can mean two different words or ph… To wit
They let Potter get away with any… but somehow I get expelled for flo… that a wizard can’t have the same… even though zero (magic) is only half as large as double ze…