The truth will set you free but consensus will get you academi… i.e., tenure
I’m not at liberty to say exactly… Batman and Robin change their clo… while sliding down the Bat Poles but I can share that it involves a lot of Alfred’s band…
Everybody talks about the lack of movies for grown-ups but no one mentions the absence of grown-ups Of course, without grown-ups
The metaverse only took off once people realized that the only way to accrue status ther… was through displays of a toleranc…
There are two types of men: Those who lie to deceive and those who by lying tell you what they really believe There is one type of woman:
If your phalanges cause you to philander pluck off the ring
In order to minimize intra-tribal… while aggressively pursuing class… progressive educated elites turn t… like common schoolyard bullies And the fact that you can only
At night in the city you can only see three stars but you still have to give them five stars
You have bathed in the Fountain o… Every time you wash off the sweat After a hard day’s work
When they said God is dead They just meant God is forbidden And like a fool
She believed me when I said that my life was based on a true story
Time is money But time stops at the speed of lig… Which means the buck stops, too Making enlightenment the act of ta… For how you’ve spent your time
Blood is thicker than water Unless it’s blood From a turnip
Guilty, I’d pled when left for dead for what I had said but as the undead squeezed my bonehead
Charles Horton Cooley said “I am not what I think I am and I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am” Before the like button