Get back! Problem is The internet will still be there w… Get back
There Is Always Room For
If you make the mistake of believi… there’s no room for error the surest way to avoid making ano… is to keep making the same mistake
One of the great rabbinic sages ex… That this world’s three most inten… Are Jews, dogs, and roosters My take? No one greets the day like a roost…
Anxiety, like loneliness, is a sig… that something is very wrong and amidst an epidemic of anxiety with no end in sight the greatest danger lies in
The left was once really good at keeping capitalism in check but then they lost their identity and have been looking for one ever… oblivious that it’s long since
From where I was situated There was no room to maneuver In the situation room And everybody else found themselve… In the same situation
In the world to come The United Nations will finally r… If you can’t beat ‘em Join ‘em
I don’t know what being alone with your thoughts is like for you but for me it’s like I’m watching them
The biggest change Since I found God Is who I am Trying to impress Which is how you know
Power is a measure of the capacity to cope with our lack of control and in wielding our power to take control
The discomfort that Americans now all evince in one another used to be reserved for old people who get rich quick
I don’t meet many people with a mind like a steel trap Instead, the really smart people tend to have minds like trawling n… to catch the really big fish
I grew up listening to Barbara St… You don’t bring me flowers anymore and determined I’d never make that… Ten years into marriage my wife sa… Don’t bring me flowers anymore
Free will consists of recognizing the inevitable and choosing wisely