We pass through birth, life, and death like H2O phasing through ice, water, and steam so yes
At first moving heaven and earth is its own reward because it’s hell on wheels But self-flagellation
Instead of a Che Guevara t-shirt I have a Carol Burnett henley
I’m sad to say I’ve never been happier And I’m happy to say I’ve never been sadder All of which is to say
It used to be that if you were obscure you had to be able to handle the truth and if you were famous
In a post-pandemic bid to remain relevant the SATs have removed all true/false questions in acknowledgment that such questi…
The B is silent in subtle but spo… B-cause a B-ing B-comes human by saying the quiet… The B-all and end-all Is the B-ginning and the end
A record sounds the same every time you play it A broken record is intolerable because it isn’t broken, it’s just…
Some families hide the truth in pl… By laughing at it Although it gets confusing for a c… When the truth is a joke That can’t be told
Home is where you go and you have to take their shit-eating grin
God’s not buying it Until you own it– Are we clear?
The quartermaster is responsible f… and nothing more Some of you will be content to half-ass the rest of it Some of you will be willing to ris…
Mysticism, esoteric knowledge, these are euphemisms for what’s hiding in plain sight: We are not alone
Because the ego mustn’t know its real mission lest it go back on accepting it, this message will self-destruct five seconds before life begins:
Looking back on college it’s unclear if I was a party animal party mineral or party vegetable