Mid-life crisis: the failure to start hoping you don’t get what you want
If you cut off an arm you are left with a stump to which you affix a prosthetic If you cut off a face you are left with a mask
If you can get what you want you’re selling yourself short
Whenever I hurt someone I’m sure that I’m a honeybee about to die But it always turns out that I’m…
She went to law school; I bet it all on brick ov– en pita and lost
In the west Since we can’t control time We just buy more time An approach used elsewhere With equally mixed results
If we rest on Shabbos Then sleep alone isn’t rest– It is To borrow a phrase from Freud The dream work
The phrase A woman’s intuition Tells us that a woman Is more intuitive Than a man
I was caught between a rock and a hard place unable to decide on a way out Instead, you decided on me
Kid, I’ve flown from one side of the galaxy to the other, I’ve seen a lot of strange stuff, but I’ve never seen anything to make me believe there’s a theory of mind controlling everythi...
When I was a child Parents sent their kids Outside to play Now we treat children Like little adults
Darth Vader. Only you could be so bored.
Life is defined by failure But you can transcend failure If you die trying
The truth is always at a disadvant… because while you can harness truth in service of a lie you can’t tell lies
A dissident today is anyone who realizes that since you’re damned if you do damned if you don’t