Like the distended sleeve On the fake Gordon Gartrell Denise made for Theo A giraffe’s long neck Reveals it as
The first step in bearing the trut… is telling it This will make you unbearable, starting the next step of banishme… Form there, it is up to you
X marks the spot where cyborgs will receive their o– ver-the-air updates
The first time I went to a robot… I said it hurts when I do this just as I bared my soul and the robot doctor said Don’t do that
The ego is a helicopter equipped to safeguard belonging deter conflict and elevate status
Time tells a story and linear time is a plot device we’ve made up, call it a time machine, to advance the plot
Socialists count on the fact that there are no private languages but there is
I remember saying to myself Okay, this is it the moment of truths
Anxiety, like loneliness, is a sig… that something is very wrong and amidst an epidemic of anxiety with no end in sight the greatest danger lies in
It’s not a wine and cheese crowd unless everyone there hates crowds
If you want to feel a little bit guilty just break a rule or two But if you want to feel well and truly guilty
When anything you think Can and will be used against you The purpose of state-funded educat… Will be learning not to think As the doyens of higher learning
In communist Russia no one wanted to be seen to be the first person to stop clapping for Stalin In America today
We mistake the feeling of control for the feeling of freedom when freedom actually consists of the courage to take risks Those who encourage us
Every writer has mistaken his shotgun for a rifle– He may hit where he aims but he will also surely miss In discharging his will to power