people see an outward aperance and think i’m inacent and pure but not once do they look to see the darkness hidden uderneath just because i can make myself
Merry Meet the witches greet by light of the midnight moon To cast their
ring ring the final day is done ring ring time is up ring ring
i’ve never met somebody who set my blood on fire quite like this with flames moving throughout my body
A stranger standing In a street full Of people yet Can’t find himself People stand and
I’ve got attitude DAMN right I’ve got attitude! Living in this House with
splish, splash floating in my own blood so many cuts that i’ve actually
I am my own angle and my own demon I am my best dream and my worst nightmare I can bring sun shine
i sit up high upon a wall and that’s when people see me They don’t say
I don’t have any words left to write so why do I even bother trying I have felt so
You sit in a corner and nobody sees the bloody tears running down your face For the pain you’ve
This isn’t a poem, it’s relly just… Of pain and sorrow And the lost maybes of tomorrow For i can’t remember a single happ… i remember smiling, laughing
Don’t hide me from the rain Don’t hide me from the pain i still hear
Have you ever had your heart torn in two You don’t even know if the pieces
“please sir” those are the only words I can say i don’t know