when i came here i was hoping people would stay out of my life now they’re screwing
sitting by a monument tower for those fallen befor us yet do we recognize
This isn’t a poem, it’s relly just… Of pain and sorrow And the lost maybes of tomorrow For i can’t remember a single happ… i remember smiling, laughing
I’m sitting on a hill staring at a city that I never loved A life I could
He sits on a hill of bodies and wonders why has this become his hated fate To take the life
I want to talk to let you know But I see that you’re dealing, Barely that is, with your own shit I see it in your eyes, In the way you stand
They say she died tragically It’s sad to see a
You sit in a corner and nobody sees the bloody tears running down your face For the pain you’ve
I don’t have any words left to write so why do I even bother trying I have felt so
the ground begins to tremble with the power of her anger the choices
Plip, plop the blood drops Tick, tock goes the clock Ding, dong
Who am i to you? Am i boy or girl? Am i life
A poem about rhyme A poem abou time What can you say About their little fray Thee is never time
people see an outward aperance and think i’m inacent and pure but not once do they look to see the darkness hidden uderneath just because i can make myself
“please sir” those are the only words I can say i don’t know