no words to express to screwed up in the head don’t know what to say have nothing to explain for once words fail me
I don’t have any words left to write so why do I even bother trying I have felt so
I sit amongst a group of people not saying a word they do not
He sits on a hill of bodies and wonders why has this become his hated fate To take the life
Have you ever seen the gleaming wight teeth floating by your head Or the glowing red eyes underneath your bed
they say tomorrow is a new day and it will get better but it never
we are a new race rising with ice in our blood we will fight any body because we are family “we are a new breed rising
How my heart does beat simply by reading your words How it feels like it shall burst from me when you are near When time and space separate
Blood flow freely flow until i have no more to give Flow until you have
what do you do when your worst fears are realized when the words you’ve dreaded hearing have been spoken where will you go now that
What do you do when you’ve screwed up this bad and you’re not sure that it can be fixed
I have a word of wisdom Never cross me and my sword For my sword
he plays his feelings out in the beat of his drum not realizing it’s taking the life right out of him
“please sir” those are the only words I can say i don’t know
I have a word of advice for any body young or old keep your heart