Soul Seeker

My Heart and Soul's Desire

I hate the media
Because of things like this
“Young man dead from unexplained brain damage”
“Youth dies in motorcycle crash”
“Student shot dead after assaulting cop”
“13 year old girl brain dead after throat surgery”
Every heart-pouring
Every throat-clenching
It means nothing
Just another story on the news
It’s sickening
It’s not a tragedy,
It’s a number
A cold, feelingless, deathly depraved number
And these things
They happen every day
But do they really?
Not to us anyway
And the world keeps on spinning
In all its apathy
And people keep on living
It’s sickening to me
But what’s worse is the tragedy of a soul unsaved that goes
For I know when I die where I’m going
But some don’t know
And every loss on that screen is a deathly cold reminder
The fighting still continues
This war is not yet over
And this pain we are enduring must continue a while longer
But it’s worth it in the end
To see a dead soul born yet stronger
To seek out lost souls and save them is my endeavor
For a loss truly unbearable
Is a soul lost forever
'~Soul Seeker'
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