Soul Seeker

I’m a Screw Up

I’m a screw up
I really am
I mean,
No one else does what I do
I’ve done terrible things
Terrible, terrible things
I’m just terrible myself
As a person
As a friend
As a human being
I just,
Well, basically everything
Or at least, everything important
But that’s the thing
I can’t help it
I’m an imperfect being in an imperfect world, raised on imperfection
But there is one who can
The problem is
I have to admit that I’m imperfect
That I’m a terrible person
That everything I do is futile
That is, everything I do alone
Alone is different
When you’re alone, or at least you think you’re alone
You think you can anything
You can do anything you want to
And no one will know because it’s just you
You don’t need help because you’re so strong, you can do it yourself
But you’re not
And you know quite well, that you’re not
But you continue to deceive yourself
You don’t want to face the truth
You don’t want to face reality
Because you know, you’re not strong enough
You know you can’t take it
You know you can’t do it alone
Because you’re not perfect
You’re not perfect
You won’t admit it, but you’re not perfect
And you know what?
You don’t have to be.
You don’t have to be strong
You don’t have to take it all by yourself
You don’t have to be…alone
All you have to do is admit
That you 'are’' a failure
You 'are’' a screw up
You 'do’' need help
And you 'can’t’' do it all by yourself
Admit that you need help.
Admit it!
Because you do need help
And you don’t have to feel ashamed, because we all do
We all need help
It’s just who we are
Jesus Christ is only one who can give you this help
The only one who truly loves you for the screw up that you are
Because He’s the only one who can
His love is limitless
Never ending
And He will continue to love you
Whether you choose to believe in Him or not
He died for you, so that you might believe in Him
So that 'you’', the screw up, might one day work 'with’' Him
And even if you don’t believe in Him
Even if you don’t commit your life for His will
He still loves you.
That’s how much he loves you.
He died for you.
And He didn’t expect anything back for it.
He loves 'you’'.
Autres oeuvres par Soul Seeker...
