Why do they call it mist?
Is it because the cloud that was aiming for the sky didn’t make it?
Try as he might, the little cumulous couldn’t muster the strength
The little guy just wasn’t big enough yet to fly
And so he fell back down to Earth
Or is it because a man once reached out to the cloud in front of him, but couldn’t grab hold
He reached and he squeezed
Flailing desperately
But every grapple achieved him nothing
For there was nothing for him to grasp
I am the cloud
Afraid to fly
What if I fail again?
I am that man
Grasping at the air
Desperate to hold on
The problem is that missed lives in the past
You see, when a cloud falls down to earth, it becomes fog
Your vision inside is stifled
You see, when you dwell on decisions of the past, your present gets foggy
You can’t base your future on the what-ifs of the past
If only I could grab the mist in front of me from the cloud that dropped oh so long ago
But it doesn’t exist
And if I keep focusing on the fog in my wake
I’ll never find the path in front of me