Soul Seeker


I’ve been relying entirely on my shield
And neglecting of my sword,
Struggling to keep my helmet on in the process.
I never learned how to use my sword, I mean,
I know what I’m supposed to do with it,
But I’ve never had any practice.
Don’t get me wrong, my shield is a great tool,
But it’s no weapon.
I need to learn how to use my sword if I want to push forward.
As for the rest or my armor,
I’m afraid,
Afraid that if I’m struck it won’t be enough to protect me from getting wounded.
I know I shouldn’t feel this way.
It is His armor after all.
Maybe I’m just too comfortable behind this shield.
I really ought to use this sword at some point,
Rather than just stare at it the whole time.
After all, it’s pointless if I don’t use it.
Alright, here’s what I’m going to do;
I’m going to tighten my helmet, and then
I’m going to get up and find something to use this thing on.
Autres oeuvres par Soul Seeker...
