Death is peace, death is silence, death is final. There can be no further pain. But there can be no further hope.
Sunshadows, for I wish not to wake. But rather to sleep within the
Give. Everything. All that I own, All that I have owned, and All that I will own. My love, past, and future
When others see me, What do they really see? Is it what they want to see? Or is it me? Do they see misconceptions
What do I do now? Where do I go from here? What does this mean for us? How Do
How can I ever Prove to you? For a chance that was never leaped. A divide
Was I given a chance? Did I miss that which I have aimed
In a glen there stood an oak. A towering oak,
Do angels exist? Could creatures of endless grace of immeasurable beauty really walk among us?
You Were the sunlight. You brought me
Because of what I have done, these failures were just too much. This final fall with follow me Forever. There were no harsh words,
A simple question. A complex answer. Three letters which encapsulate everything we do.
Why is it that we say an act of cruelty is “inhumane”? When did that word...
First, A mistake. Quicksand. Second, A broken promise.
A pit of spikes A trench fill with mustard gas. A stiletto between the ribs.