S. Santorus

Dark Embrace

This darkness in which I stand
is void.
I am alone with naught but my works,
and naught but my thoughts.
Though on occasion, he stands beside me
to whisper
in my ear. And keep with me
close company, for it grows quite lonely here.
We talk of times
gone by,
of times we never saw.
Of fantasies we yearned for, that never seemed
to thaw.
A part of him I love,
A part of him I fear.
He saved me from life’s cruel embrace,
but brought me to this evil place.
Sometimes he offers kind advice.
Sometimes his words are as vicious ice.
But in all of this I see,
That he is just lonely.
An ally he seeks,
who fears him not,
an honest hand to guide him
away from himself.
How much hatred he must have for himself.
The rip the innocent
and evil alike
from their mortal plots.
To shatter so many,
to cause only pain.
But offer no release,
until it came time for me.
In life I was alone,
no voice to guide me home.
Every day was agony,
and I grew tired of the grind.
So I begged, and beckoned,
and soon enough he came,
unsure of this new quarry
who welcomed him with open arms.
Now here we are,
no longer so alone.


Ekphrastic poem of "Self-Portait with Death Playing the Fiddle"

#DeathFiddle #Painting #PeaceTheWith #PlayingSelf-portraitDeath

Autres oeuvres par S. Santorus...
