A Gentle Breeze Warm crowns of light Rustling trees The summer’s delight Gossamer threads
Alone I stand Pondering my arts the fruits of my labors. All is good and I lay down my bru… But there is a voice,
What do I do now? Where do I go from here? What does this mean for us? How Do
Of the Day. I want to feel alive. Whole. I want to know
A pit of spikes A trench fill with mustard gas. A stiletto between the ribs.
A simple question. A complex answer. Three letters which encapsulate everything we do.
I wander the desert an empty jug my only possession. My water has long run dry, my lips now used to
Why do you listen to the lies? How do you not see
That elusive mindset, where it all falls into place. But where do I lie? Am I lacking? Lying on the borderline?
This darkness in which I stand is void. I am alone with naught but my work… and naught but my thoughts. Though on occasion, he stands besi…
I let you go Why? After countless hours, After loving words, and secrets,
Still feel alone? How, when I have friends, I have family. I have no right
Was I given a chance? Did I miss that which I have aimed
You Were the sunlight. You brought me
Give. Everything. All that I own, All that I have owned, and All that I will own. My love, past, and future