Another tanka focusing on my minor cold symptoms. I know I probably shouldn't be over-dramatic about things like that but it's still fun to write about in my opinion.
Delicate surprise From behind blind-folded eyes That glint of glitter Sprinkle, sprinkle, floating down We reach out, we grasp, we drink
The mind of a girl That swirling vertex of bright Is unreachable So we put up these steel walls When we could have built a bridge!
A sudden rain flux A faintly calling whisper To turn off eyelids Yet I cannot shake my dream For just another hour
Such sweet aroma Breathe in the color deeply Exhale precious wafts Crisp Citric spiral peelings, Fill my compost disposal
Life’s obligations A daunting sea of turmoil With crest after crest I’ll hide in this briny shell Till the tide forgets my name
A sudden waking From formless blinking through dre… Please, just one more year! Surprised to glance the moon’s fac… An hour before her phase
Self-expressional Crooked poster on the wall Self-intentional Will you shatter, will you fall? Who will fix your frame of old?
Flickering between The realms of light and shadow Why not close the shades? Sleep’s alluring charm welcomes Despite such early hours!
Busy decisions Like an endless moon cycle Such a waxing life
Sweet little black box From metalic elogy Sleep now, sing no more
I pray for the day When my mind is clear Silence, sweet silence Schemes and impulses forgone To live without a shadow
A soft fluttering A pulse that pushes beyond Beating of the heart Oh to express the joys of, A soap opera here and there
Anticipation Generic butterflies swarm Twists, knots, fluttering They find no golden nectar Only number two pencils
愛の歌 空に隠れた それなのに この忘れない 音、まだ響く
Tiny flashing lights Figures entwine together Closer and closer ‘closer than ever’ they say Beside our computer screens