More of a contemplative poem about a moment of emptiness.
Ask me who he is A tall tree and branches keen words drop; leaves shaken I try to collect them all But forget them by the stream
Just for a moment To glimpse from dusty pages A single white flash Tenuous seconds follow Until a roaring reply
A stone for a head A dauntingly fragile nose Sudden convulsions To lay my head down in peace My vestigial heart begs
Twelve in numbered spin Once reaching double digits Feel the crisp brisk sweeps Sudden gentle remainders Subtle breath of orange array
To etch a love song No earthy ink can suffice Only color drawn From such a naive heart-well Could paint even an inkling
Is there something dark? Dark, dark, deep down inside me Something that keeps me Away from the center ring A divergent path indeed
Tiny flashing lights Figures entwine together Closer and closer ‘closer than ever’ they say Beside our computer screens
愛の歌 空に隠れた それなのに この忘れない 音、まだ響く
Flickering between The realms of light and shadow Why not close the shades? Sleep’s alluring charm welcomes Despite such early hours!
Lofting lazily Enter murky depths of feel Quivering eyelids Two heavy from the weight of The thoughts that lead me astray
Delicate surprise From behind blind-folded eyes That glint of glitter Sprinkle, sprinkle, floating down We reach out, we grasp, we drink
初めては いつも苦しい 二回には?
A blank white tablet Fuzzy buzzing silences Click, click, click, and yet That single black divider keeps Blinking an endless cycle
A sudden waking From formless blinking through dre… Please, just one more year! Surprised to glance the moon’s fac… An hour before her phase
The words are muffled and shifting… The pounding won’t stop, the fraye… I hold onto a thread, a little blu… The tension is mine; it is a pain… Frenzied energy drains from my fin…