I cried out to God, And There was silence.
I find it funny That I raised myself From the cradle To the grave. I never got a chance to be a baby.
Why am I crying? I’m not crying at the loss of love… I’m crying because I never experi… True love. I wanted epic.
There’s so much blood in blood cou… As there are stones in my heart When I hear your name. The winged-pig can fly daily Once I’ve let myself remember
Things I wish I could say Would be I miss you, I love you, I want to be with you,
I’m so broken, And the glass stings were my façad… There’s nothing left to do. There’s nothing left to say. There’s no air left for me to brea…
I dislike nothing more than Philosophy. How lazy.
The blur of lighted cars Flying in a flurry down The highway at night Soothes me in the Most unorthodox way.
If only My tears were colors. There would be pink on my pillow And green on my shoes. There would be red on the paper
You’re young. You’ll feel better. You’ll get better Eventually. So much time to feel better.
I feel that one never stops Loving their past loved ones. The nostalgia remembers all the Times when you slept in their bed, When you first opened up,
You’re horrible, And I hate you. But this is me. I’m the only person That I can’t escape.
Winter is getting worse. Is there no justice In my punishment Brought about by my peers? I yearn to burrow in warm dirt
I came back from a mortal hell, But on my way home, I saw no white god, And I saw no golden spirit, And I saw no true son.
While I’m alone, He’s with her. While I’m crying, He’s kissing And rolling