Rough day Rough night If I could live In my bath Water would never
Filler words Put me to sleep Added to cushion Take away my pillow Blunt words to wake up
How can I write how I feel When what I feel is nothing? How can I tell you what I need, What is wrong? When what is wrong
I am sorry That I cannot be happier I know that I’d be prettier If I smiled If I could smile
My pump Constant companion Of my disease My sensor Resembles a feeding
A palomino gallops Beside the highway Look out the window Rides over green hills Through yellow flowers
I find richness In the mixture In what others disdain Young people lost Between two cultures
I am unique In so many ways But while variety excites What we look for Is our common thread
It’s not pretty When I cry People get almost as embarrassed as I
By nature high-strung But I thought I was strong If not physically, emotionally For things to roll off my back Be mature and take the high road
Springtime means Berry pickin’ In warm sun Therapeutic Part of me
My poems are short Written at night In my head I wake at dawn Shake my memory
How do you measure pain? All is relative and personal Even with one’s own self It is impossible to compare As memory distorts pain
I wallow in my sadness As it pools up It has not swallowed me Who floats above its surface This surface
How do you describe A man so dramatic? You can recognize him From afar with his hat Always the gentleman