Que te cuentan un chiste Las palabras se traducen Pero el humor no se puede Por si no lo entiendes Ríete
Ask any female Love Is in the details I love you Three greatest words
Tomorrow Has not yet come It’s promises yet to be broken Tomorrow Is bigger
Who am I? I am me When did I Become me? As I recall
A palomino gallops Beside the highway Look out the window Rides over green hills Through yellow flowers
A fresh faced country girl Who pioneers on her bicycle Catches the eye Of a transplant from Houston Love begins through letters
Antes lograba tanto Metía horas Sacando lo máximo De cada minuto No he cambiado
Some I like to share Fresh out of the oven Don’t let it get cold That’s why I wrote it Emotions in that moment
Clinical smells Polite strangers The only thing worse Than being here Is to not be able
Would I rather be A younger me? More productive Stronger Would i have to give up
You must commit To an outfit Where are you going? In sporty yoga pants Athletic top
My parents always say We’re proud of you I am too I got out of bed I used to get so much done
I do not enjoy roller coasters I am not chicken But they say You just have to try it! So I do
I’m watching a woman in a bikini In great shape with a swollen bell… Play with her puppy named Gatsby A Hispanic family comes The little girl dips her feet in
If I could draw a tree In all it’s complexity Would you be impressed? If I could draw a human face It would be but a trace