I will be Forever in debt To my mother Any gift Would come up short
Filler words Put me to sleep Added to cushion Take away my pillow Blunt words to wake up
Hospitality To love a stranger It need not be much For one who has little Will appreciate it
Left on a leash Is no way to live He disappeared I like to imagine He’s running in a field
Steamroller Of life Passed by Feeling down Squished
Inspirational quotes Are full of crap Whatever meaning Is lost In the sea
Rough day Rough night If I could live In my bath Water would never
Who’s the best? Ask my Daddy He’ll tell you Enthusiastically He always sees
You must commit To an outfit Where are you going? In sporty yoga pants Athletic top
I do not enjoy roller coasters I am not chicken But they say You just have to try it! So I do
No es solo la tristeza Aunque si lo estoy No es por el desanimo Aunque si me desanimo No es tan sencillo
Turkey and dressing Loud and overwhelming Opinions and food fly Green bean casserole Too much laughter
I told everyone About you The ugly beast Inside of me You can’t hide
If you find someone That can do it Better than you Get them on your team
The pressure inside Is building It comes out through my eyes I stop up the tears It comes out through my nose