Before you go let me kiss you in t… Wash off our nights in love, our f… Above the surface are the hearts h… Let me before you go, vacate the s…
There are no right words for me to… you are mine and I am yours. Words seem blind, meaningless when speaking of this… The sky is ashamed because of your…
I’m broken, crushed. Spread on the ground. The pieces; each one of them has a… Too many, I don’t know anymore. Between the particles I can see l…
You, oh my dear you. Piece of heaven for this world. You that have come and become. What a piece of art, what a piece of glorious soul.
You oh dammed. Never mind of that stupid game. This life is so great to be wasted… on that stupid little face. I am not sorry to say goodbye.
What a time this This is an epic episode of failure… Where’s my love? Where’s my lovely? I walk around in awe,
Oh! How I miss you missing me. Maybe just because it’s not meant… my darling you. What to do with this heart, that f… everywhere, that is ours, always h…
My silence speaks tonight in the darkness of my own despair. I keep it up, I put a bandage in those wounds that nobody cares. They say the sky is the limit, but for heavens God please t...
Yes, I too have been alone. It killed me at times. But yet I learned my lessons. This is their best times to teach… the humans,
How the heavens cry about this spa… I wonder, oh my dear I wonder, wh… Maybe it lingers in the past, mayb… The despair of being me right now… I wasn’t going to look and you mad…
Rise upon your fears. With the strength of a thunderstor… You are light and love, nothing ca… This is the times, We must, we must, we must create m…
Oh you dearest! How sudden, how soon. The sky weeps, pain is an understatement. What will we do without your light…
Cierro mis ojos y puedo imaginarte… Tu tierno rostro, tus latidos que… ¿Cómo decirte que este mundo no es… ¿Cómo es que mi mayor tesoro tendr… Solo espero que sepas, que por ti…
Oh look at you my sweetheart How gorgeous, how bold. Take a good look and see, how much… Don’t settle for less, don’t worry about what’s gone.
Quiero que me ames en cuerpo y alm… Quiero abrazarte aún cuando estés… Quiero decirte al oído que te amo… Quiero y quiero que paso a paso, n… Quiero saber cómo estás y cuando n…