You, oh my dear you. Piece of heaven for this world. You that have come and become. What a piece of art, what a piece of glorious soul.
Cierro mis ojos y puedo imaginarte… Tu tierno rostro, tus latidos que… ¿Cómo decirte que este mundo no es… ¿Cómo es que mi mayor tesoro tendr… Solo espero que sepas, que por ti…
Here in this realm I can flourish… We are, you are, we are. Love deeply, hopeful, grateful. Like a bunch of kids. Being able… Life is sweeter.
No sé porqué la competencia. Conmigo no es. Espero que no. Yo no ando en competencias, ni cre… Mi pasión nació conmigo y en mí su…
It was a waste my darling, my precious time. Caring for someone who didn’t care… It was a waste, a deep despair. I let my soul rest and heal.
Wait for me up there, but wait. I’ll be entering that space where… I’m looking for you as I know you… Hold on, I’m walking, enyoing my… This has been a journey of loosing…
He is like raindrops, that gives a… A mosaic of imperfections, but col… His heart is warm, tender and lovi… That touch is soft as the calming… This heart, my heart, waits patien…
Longing for your life to accompany… In the midst of the night, in a lo… I’m longing for those beautiful ey… You, the only reason I believe th… When your hands travel my body I…
Me paso pensando en el pedazo de c… Tu mi sinceridad, la calma, la vid… Tu la fragilidad que dibuja tu son… Bebe mis adentros, enciende mi cue… intercala mis sueños.
You are my sky that I surrender. The light that shine trough this w… You are so imperfect, that perfect… My sweetheart, my whole. You are the sun and the moon.
At the end who will be there, In a corner, Waiting so perfectly patient, With eyes filled with hopes. Who’s the one that will care as mu…
No, it’s not you it’s me. Me, the one that can hold on to th… Me, the one that loves you to the… No, it’s not you at all. It’s me.
In between the lines of nature, th… I read your lovely poems about in… I feel your all of you. Darling, we are one, or maybe two… You my sweet, you in between the l…
How grateful I am to have you. This moment we both share, in love… you, my true lost love. I walked away from you. Maybe I was scared of your immens…
We stand, we go, we come back... nothing matters. We meet up, with you, with them, w… If you don’t know how to be alone.… We can have it all, conquering the…