There are no right words for me to… you are mine and I am yours. Words seem blind, meaningless when speaking of this… The sky is ashamed because of your…
All that we had, all that is lost,… Do not bring yourself this burden… Be aware of your mistakes, but don… May love flourish into your world… You deserve better and much more.
Before you, my trust was full. I rejoiced in simplicity, I was. Before, I had a song tuning in my… I had a blessing, I had a sunrise… Because you showed me your ugly,
In this light and blue, we almost… Circle of life kicks in my heart a… Where are you going to be, now tha… Please, oh please do pick me up wh… Almost, I almost have your kind n…
From hereditary heart, we stole the past, come light, come light. All we are is different opinions. You that, me where?
If you ask, I belong in you. Inside your deepest secrets. There in the corner of those broke… I am the light in your dawn, the d… opens up a new beginning.
Me conoces más que nadie y te he f… No sé cómo hacer para allegarme a… No importa el tiempo que nos hemos… Soy humana, ya lo sé. Lo que digan, lo olvide.
With a whisper of heaven she will… For she is the roots. The soils. The flowers. The moist skin.
The light’s off but it’s daylight. Driving to normal, but nothing cle… This demons are fighting against m… Stay away– I say Leave me alone –I reply
Do you feel my love? I want you to know that every part… Somehow, you, my darling, stole my… Why? Only the heavens know. But thanks…
You were my biggest regret I don’t use to be a vendetta seeke… I am just a girl that her heart is weaker. Sometimes I wonder why I looked
What a great fool of me, thinking… It hurts to my core those things y… I wonder... Has always been like this, like an… Something inside breaks down littl…
We jumped trying to fly In the darkness of the night. We weren’t aware of that fall. How much time we love in the wonde… Nobody knows how much I loved you…
Claro que sí, me he odiado mucho m… Claro que sí, que me he caído bien… He cruzado el infierno mil millone… He mirado la envidia a la cara y a… Lo sé, he sido mustia y muy pero q…
It was a waste my darling, my precious time. Caring for someone who didn’t care… It was a waste, a deep despair. I let my soul rest and heal.