How the heavens cry about this spa… I wonder, oh my dear I wonder, wh… Maybe it lingers in the past, mayb… The despair of being me right now… I wasn’t going to look and you mad…
I love you forever. In the wind I see you, The street talks about how we were… Maybe we needed more time, But you flew and left me being by…
I question you my sweet love why you are so afraid. To feel this passion runnig trough… Come, kiss my hole. Kiss me free.
You, oh my dear you. Piece of heaven for this world. You that have come and become. What a piece of art, what a piece of glorious soul.
This is the beginning of the great… It’s time to say goodbye to what d… Don’t worry you’ll be ok, I was you too... Say it to the world how loved you…
Betrayal is like a sharp knife. You can not heal the wounds that i… The one your heart one chooses, th… You lick and lick the opened wound… Betrayal is the most oldest way of…
Eres la bonita, la dulce encantado… Deleite para los que te aman, aman… Translúcido es tú palpitar que abr… ¡Que vivas hoy y siempre! Madre de todos los seres.
A primera vista supe cómo pasaría todo, serías mío unos momentos, ma… te perdería luego, trasnochado; de… que no dan valor al fuego. ¡Cállate! le gritaba la vida a est…
Life is up and down still, I have open a treasure ches… I look all that is done it had take me like forever to kee… This is the chase
Yes, I too have been alone. It killed me at times. But yet I learned my lessons. This is their best times to teach… the humans,
All that we had, all that is lost,… Do not bring yourself this burden… Be aware of your mistakes, but don… May love flourish into your world… You deserve better and much more.
Even though I crossed that path, patiently, grateful, bold, you let me fall on the ground. There, where nothing grows, where we are left behind. I saw you at first and tears ran down, t...
All you are is true. Truest as the skies and the wind. You being yourself is a great gift… don’t doubt that fact. Mistake you are not.
Existes, aún en lo imaginario. En esos días huecos, en el pálpito… Existe tu sonrisa, que me levanta;… Con los ojos brillantes y cuando s… La existencia del beso que guardé…
Voy, con las huellas contando uno… Voy con la cabeza derecha con las… bien puestas. La estupidez se anda comiendo al m… la inteligencia es un gen que no a…