You have to fight they say, you need to be a warrior. Stand still they say, your head ha… Dream of joy, run away. Luck is a shame, footsteps ahead.
Foolish heart not to know better. You, the breaking impostor, the da… The collateral damage is expected,… A little light saying hello. The most remarkable piece of heave…
What a beautiful light you have. Like a chill day under the sun. Refreshing is the view of those sa… Bright idea of what might be. That little boy is extremely extre…
What are you? Who are you? Maybe just a ray of sunshine tryin… What tell me, you are so stubbornly perfect that…
Dime tú, cómo vas por la vida. Por mi parte, ya tengo esta risa t… Que no ves que arden, tus palabras… Aún así, mi amor por ti fue sincer… No sé que piensas,
Soñé que me iba. A las horas tristes, con un boleto… También lo vi viviéndome. Riesgos de carcajadas y alevosía. Que bonito, que perfecta armonía,…
We jumped trying to fly In the darkness of the night. We weren’t aware of that fall. How much time we love in the wonde… Nobody knows how much I loved you…
Dónde block my way with your profa… Instead help me to pick up my piec… Don’t be like that butter on the b… I will make it, don’t block me. Step aside from my path.
You look so peaceful, so clear, so… When your smile crosses my sight,… Beat my heart with that calming lo…
Rise upon your fears. With the strength of a thunderstor… You are light and love, nothing ca… This is the times, We must, we must, we must create m…
Somos, Seremos. Viva la vida y el amor. Ten fe y esperanza, alcanza el per… Nada más importante,
Before you, my trust was full. I rejoiced in simplicity, I was. Before, I had a song tuning in my… I had a blessing, I had a sunrise… Because you showed me your ugly,
Who knows where she is. Only her, only her. My dearest, my true. Who knows where she is. What a strange time we live,
There’s nothing left here, our story is all over. I have always wished you the best… I used to feel lost, now I just don’t feel.
¿Dónde esta escrito que te pertene… No. Te equivoqué, tal vez con mis… Puede ser que mis manos te acarici… Pudo haber sido ese beso dormido q… ¿Porqué venir a mí con títulos de…