Yes, I know that smell. This is all over again. The color of ending things, the coldest day, burning tears.
Pensé por un momento que moría, Pero no... sobreviví. Miré al espejo y me vi, hermosa, l… Que suerte que es el poder ser. Respirar con el corazón en complet…
We jumped trying to fly In the darkness of the night. We weren’t aware of that fall. How much time we love in the wonde… Nobody knows how much I loved you…
In between the lines of nature, th… I read your lovely poems about in… I feel your all of you. Darling, we are one, or maybe two… You my sweet, you in between the l…
I don’t get what is happening you think you have what it takes, I think you’re just a monkey, tryi… so hard to fit in. Shamely to see, this equation is n…
Somos, Seremos. Viva la vida y el amor. Ten fe y esperanza, alcanza el per… Nada más importante,
My silence speaks tonight in the darkness of my own despair. I keep it up, I put a bandage in those wounds that nobody cares. They say the sky is the limit, but for heavens God please t...
My sweetheart, i’m here. Come, survive this soul. Wondrous things awaits us. You can, your love.
Life is up and down still, I have open a treasure ches… I look all that is done it had take me like forever to kee… This is the chase
What are you? Who are you? Maybe just a ray of sunshine tryin… What tell me, you are so stubbornly perfect that…
You were my biggest regret I don’t use to be a vendetta seeke… I am just a girl that her heart is weaker. Sometimes I wonder why I looked
What a great fool of me, thinking… It hurts to my core those things y… I wonder... Has always been like this, like an… Something inside breaks down littl…
I can’t give up just know. I can’t. This time I will rise, this time I can’t back down. This heart have been on hold,
What to do? Where to go? Can somebody tell me? It’s just so hard when you don’t h… You are in the mettle of nowhere,…
Do you feel my love? I want you to know that every part… Somehow, you, my darling, stole my… Why? Only the heavens know. But thanks…