Beaten, battered, bruised. I am broken. When someone chooses to push Hump… They don’t stick around to see if… I have been pushed and I am falli…
Played like a fool I turned a blind eye Blocked by my affection I didn’t see the lie But as we all know
You missed out It’s your loss The choice you made And she’s the cost This treasure beside you
Continuing to play Not knowing the game Lost souls withering away Causing nothing but pain Pretending to want me
Heart black as death Laugh cold as night Holding me hostage In your torturous might Grasping my final breath
One day I found a cookie, And then it ran away. It just up and left me, It didn’t want to stay. That cookie was so perfect,
Laying in my casket Looking down from above Watching all the people With whom I shared my love I never realized
You are always around I’m never alone Surrounding my body When nobody is home Making me feel
What once was mine, And completely whole. Now wanders away, Devastatingly alone. But t creeps back,
Where were you. In my darkest days. When I thought nothing was ok. Going through the motions, Living day to day was a struggle.
Closer and closer every day Until I say something Then it melts away Learning to control My ability to talk
What’s the point When your all alone Nobody there to love you Not even in your home Sometimes I feel
A double-edged blade in my conscie… Of battle and freedom, Of death and loss. I fight for my country, When they fight for theirs,
Her screams pierce the night As he ravages her soul Under the shattered streetlight If only it would glow Blended in the shadows
Mommy. You were the first person who held… You woke up in the night when I w… You let me share your bed when I… Daddy.