More than 30 years ago the Supreme Court in the United States ruled that if individuals are mentally ill but not criminally insane they cannot be confined to asylums. They must be allow...
Sometimes a woman leaves a man for another man or just leaves. Sometimes a woman
She lives by a lake. After a heavy snow she looks out the window and sees black swans in a long, straight line
Every day the same play. The moment I rise, the first act begins, the same plot
Decades ago a small college out in the boondocks put Ambrose, a freshman, on a Greyhound Bus to attend a student convention in New York.
Bill would come every Sunday to his mother’s house after a tough divorce. He’d bring his laundry for his mother to do and then he’d devour the roast beef dinner she always made for him....
An incident in youth never meant to happen recorded on a pad to be read another time
Far away and long ago stuff happened in Gramps’ life that he’d like to forget but he can’t, even though he can’t always remember what he had for breakfast, lunch or dinner. But anything...
Standing in line behind a father and his little boy waiting to reach the register
Cardinals bicker and knock seed from the feeder. Doves parade below. Donal Mahoney
She has wanted to be Miss America since third grade when she won the… in Snow White and the Seven Dwar… Now a finalist, she has told the j… she wants to lecture at colleges o…
A row of lilacs covered with a summer snow. Ten white butterflies.\ Donal Mahoney
The ones we didn’t abort we’re starting to euthanize so no worries there. It’s the ones in the middle still walking around
Three are known by name, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, but there are a zillion angels, pure spirits who have no wings like those we draw on Cherubim,
Porch light bright all night keeps thieves away but not the moths that dance till dawn